Raped in a playground at 11 and abused by seven men a night aged 12: Victim of Rotherham Asian sex gang scandal tells her truly horrifying story

EXCLUSIVE: Sarah Wilson (centre now), 23, from Rotherham, was just 11 when she was befriended by a group of older men in her home town who showered her with gifts and made her feel special. The now 23-year-old admits she became so 'brainwashed' by the older British Pakistani men in the South Yorkshire town she considered it normal for them to expect to have sex with her in return for all they had given her. Writing an emotional account of her harrowing experience in new book Violated, Sarah (pictured aged four, inset, and left, as a teenager) reveals she was plied with alcohol and cannabis by sexual predators. They habitually abused her until she was 16, when they lost interest because she was no longer underage.

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